Use an outside transportation vendor and take the following steps (contact if use of an outside vendor is not possible):
purchase services in consultation with Yale Procurement;
confirm that vendors maintain current and appropriate certifications and licenses; and.
confirm that vendors carry current and appropriate levels of liability insurance.
Review the following Yale University Policies, Procedures, Forms and Guides:
Policy 1705, “Automobile Fleet, Rental and Safety Program;”
Guide 1705 GD.01, “Auto Safety Rules and Regulations;” and
Policy 1110, “Personal and Off-Campus Use of University Property, Including Vehicles.”
Bring emergency contact information while traveling, including contact information for minors’ parents/guardians, program organizer, other supervisors, etc.
Consider the availability of emergency transportation.
Enforce use of seat restraints/seatbelts by minors.
Ensure that all minors are accounted for at each phase of transportation.
Avoid dropping off or picking up minors in locations not approved by parents/guardians or Yale.
Never transport people in vehicles, such as pickup trucks, that are not intended for passengers.